Understanding the Nikon D3400 DSLR Camera Retouch Menu

To access the Nikon D3400 Retouch menu, press the menu button within the back of the camera and use the multi-selector to maneuver down the most menu. therefore the first one is NEF or RAW processing. NEF is that the suffix which will continue to a raw image and RAW is how they're usually known. RAW images are images that aren't compressed in any way then they save all the info . As a results of that they're considerably larger once they saved right down to the disk and you would like a selected piece of software to open them up and work on them. once they are then saved, they're saved as JPEGs. tons of professional photographers will shoot RAW and there's a big difference between opening up a RAW image that has been uncompressed and has all the info , and a JPEG image. you'll see the difference once you check out the 2 next to every other, but the JPEG - particularly JPEG fine - may be a specialized way of saving pictures as and since the RAW images are then saved as a JPEG you are doing not necessarily save an excellent deal at the top result. Most photographers i do know will, if they're performing on fine or detailed pictures, save as a RAW. But invariably once they send their pictures to their clients they send them as JPEGs. Here you'll work on a RAW image - not terribly effectively - there aren't too many options and that they are fairly blunt instruments. You can, for instance , change the file size; you'll change the white balance and therefore the exposure, and movie style but if you bothered to save lots of a raw image, you'd probably want to open it abreast of an outsized screen and work thereon with some more subtle settings.


The one below that within the Nikon D3400 RETOUCH MENU is TRIM which just about does what it says. It allows you to vary the crop of the image. once you shoot on 35mm (and this is often effectively a 35mm camera) then you shoot 3 x 2, 3 across 2 down. you'll crop this and trim this to 4 x 3, 5 x 4 and situation by one. Again you'll do this on a computer also . The one below that's RESIZE. Now this enables you to vary the dimensions of the image downwards - you'll not resize and increase the dimensions of the image, but it might be useful if you wanted to save lots of pictures to download onto social media before you're in Snapbridge. You get the choice to try to to this automatically so you'd not need to undergo this process if you're getting to download via Snapbridge.


D-lighting, which is below that within the d3400 retouch menu, offers you the chance to use lighting after you've got taken the image . D-lighting reduces the quantity of contrast - the highlights - and narrows that bandwidth of color and tone, so you'll use that during this at now . And QUICK RETOUCH may be a very basic option which just either adds a touch brightness or reduces the brightness slightly. It just gives your picture a touch bit more punch if that's what you are feeling you would like . Below that's RED-EYE CORRECTION which may be quite effective. this is often a digital thanks to reduce red-eye and if you've got taken an image which happens to possess quite you'd like then, you'll apply this. Again it'll be easier and doubtless more subtle to try to to this on editing software and a computer, but if you would like to try to to it within the camera then this is often an option for you. STRAIGHTEN, obviously straightens the image making the horizontals horizontal which may be useful for landscapes. there's nothing worse than having a horizon which isn't actually level. it's a landscape photography gaffe . DISTORTION CONTROL within the Nikon D3400 RETOUCH MENU will attempt to reduce the quantity of distortion, perhaps which will have occurred during a very wide angled lens or a good angle shot. PERSPECTIVE CONTROL, likewise, will attempt to control the attitude .


Then we get on to the choices here for fisheye. Now fisheye does the precise opposite to distortion control and if you've got an ordinary-looking picture, you'll give the impression that it's been shot on a wide-angle lens by using this feature . it's not perfect but it does barrel-distort the center of the image , so it does give the impression of a wide-angle lens . Below that's FILTER EFFECTS. you'll put filters on the front of the lens which will obviously affect the sunshine because it comes through the lens. this enables you to feature filters digitally. Here we've four possible filter effects. the highest one is SKYLIGHT which takes a number of the blue. the image warm filter will add a touch orange to the image and make it feel warmer. Cross screen is sort of a pleasant filter because it'll add a starburst to light within the picture and just make them stand out a touch bit more then finally you've got got soft which softens the image and provides it a touch little bit of a warm hue also . which will be used with portraits and may even be used with landscapes to great effect.


The next one within the D3400 RETOUCH MENU is MONOCHROME. That turns a color picture to monochrome, but not just black and white - it'll provide you with sepia and cyanotype which is effectively blue and white also . Underneath there's image overlay which may only be used with raw pictures and allows you to overlay one with the opposite . subsequent three - COLOR OUTLINE, PHOTO ILLUSTRATION and COLOR SKETCH, effectively are variants of an equivalent process. They basically make the photograph appear as if a sort of illustration. So color outline will remove all the colour and make it appear as if an overview drawing. Photo illustration will provides it an impact of it being rather stylized comic effect of the image, and color sketch will desaturate it in order that you've got got hints of color and basically make it an overview drawing with some hints of color.


MINIATURE EFFECT within the D3400 retouch menu are often quite useful and that i love it , particularly if you are doing it beforehand. This blurs the surface of the frame to form the topic within the middle stand out that far more and it's really quite punchy. If you're taking an image of a road or cars on a road from say 45 degrees - from the 2nd or 3rd floor - down onto the road , then you'll actually make the cars appear as if they're model cars. They stand out so vibrantly then brightly from the image and therefore the blur of the background that it's like they're a model. It does work rather well and that i quite like using that the one. Below that within the Nikon D3400 RETOUCH MENU is SELECTIVE COLOR. Now selective color you'll also call the Schindler's List effect. If you remember that scene the black-and-white film with the girl with the red coat, then this is often effectively what that does. It makes the entire frame black and white apart from one two or three colors and you'll select those colors and choose which of them they're and by doing that you simply can actually create a really powerful image. It works alright . Below that's PAINTING, which effectively makes your photograph appear as if a painting.


Finally we've at rock bottom EDIT MOVIE. Now these are quite blunt edits. they're not very subtle in the least . Essentially what you'll do here is choose the beginning and end point. you'll cut and edit the movie in terms of length, but no other ways. you'll not change the colours or the way that it's shot. you'll also save a specific frame from it but that's fairly basic, and again if you shoot movies with this, then you'd expect to be ready to do most of your editing in editing software on an outsized computer.


So those are the choices you've got came the Nikon D3400 RETOUCH MENU. As you'll see they're not very subtle and that they are a touch blunt, but do you have to got to make any changes to an image then you'll do so here and, the one saving factor is that ought to you create any editing changes on an ingenious picture, then the first are going to be saved and any changes are going to be created into a replacement picture so you are doing not lose anything by trying to try to to the edits on the rear of the camera.


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